ARD Kontraste –
Investigative Political Magazine

ARD Kontraste –
Investigative Political Magazine

I collaborated with Alpenblick, a renowned broadcast design agency in Munich, to develop and deliver a comprehensive design package for KONTRASTE, an investigative journalism program aired on 'Das Erste', Germany's leading public TV station. My responsibilities included creating a cohesive visual identity for the show, which involved designing the logo, logo sting, style frames, animatics, show opener and closer, lower thirds, corner bug, transitions, and other on-air graphics. This project required a balance of creativity and precision to align with the program’s investigative tone while ensuring its appeal to a broad audience.

Press release (original German):
"The new appearance of "Kontraste" is uncompromisingly clear, unadorned, functional, and innovative. The new logo serves as the guiding idea, the foundation, and the branding tool throughout the entire design. Fragmented areas in black, white, and silver-gray are combined with the "Red Line," which runs like a common thread through all elements, setting the focus - a reference to the corporate color. The new design is flexible in size and shape, crafted with a special focus on increasing mobile usage and social media and perfectly tailored for all distribution channels.

The ARD political magazine "Kontraste" will be broadcast from a new studio and with a new design. After around two decades, the show will have an entirely transformed look. You can watch it starting from February 6th on "Das Erste" (Germany's first public TV station)."

Client: ARD RBB
Role: Art Direction, Design & Animation
Creative Direction: Jana Geisler
Project Management: Stephanie Tietz
Team: Aitor Benavent Cabañas, Vera Warter,
Marc Fischer
Sounddesign: Century Rolls Music
Agency: Alpenblick GmbH


German Design Award Special 2021, Excellent Communications Design, Corporate Identity
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World Media Festivals Hamburg 2020: 
Silver, Category: News, Programme Openers
and Titles

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Eyes & Ears  Awards Europe, Winner 2020:
Gold: Best Programme-Related Design Package
Gold: Best Information Or News Design 
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German Design Award Special 2021, Excellent Communications Design, Corporate Identity
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World Media Festivals Hamburg 2020:  Silver, Category: News, Programme Openers and Titles
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Eyes & Ears  Awards Europe, Winner 2020: Gold: Best Programme-Related Design Package, Gold: Best Information Or News Design 
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